My OOTP gaming updates

Hello. It's been awhile. OOTP 19 and OOTP 20 have come and gone. We're onto OOTP 21 now. The last 2 years I've tried playing out BCL7 and for whatever reason I just couldn't finish it. First year, I lost interest. I was burnt out on the game. Went away and then tried back with 19 where the wonky 3-D graphics so infuriated me, I gave up again. An out of state job took time away and life in general. So I was waiting for 21 to come out to start BCL7 AGAIN for about the 5th time in 3 years.

As I got into my 4th game in 21, I noticed the game screwed up my league due to a crash. This was about 2 week ago. Fortunately I saved the league I started in 19, so I've gone back to 19 to finally finish this league. I swear this league is cursed. I will post a standings update soon. Planning on going back to 21 as soon as more patches are out and have plans for BCL8. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be updating this blog regularly again. Stay tuned.


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